End of year reflection

I’m so grateful to be spending New Years Eve in one of my favourite places. I’ve spent the afternoon reflecting on the year that was thanks to Connie Chapman’s guidance in the “Release & Rebirth” online program.
The online program left me reflecting, that without making time to slow down at certain points of our lives we can miss our soul lessons and learnings.
We integrate these lessons and learnings by giving ourselves space to process. If our lessons and learnings aren’t integrated then it can sometimes see us repeating the same experiences.
One of my favourite elements of facilitating sessions is holding the space for clients to integrate their lessons and learnings on a daily basis.
On reflection of 2021 I realised that I didn’t show up the way I had hoped on this platform. However 2021 has prepared me by shaping me and instilling the strength and belief I need to finally show up the way I want in 2022 on this platform.….and I’m so excited to share that expansion with you all in the new year
What was your biggest teaching in 2021?
How are you different from 2020?
What was your key theme in 2021?